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VOLUME 8 / 1998
1. Developments during the General Assembly, 1998. With handwritten remarks by Mr. Vladimir Petrovsky.
2. Discours prononcé par M. Mohammed Sebti a 'occasion de I'inauguration 3 de 'exposition Légende(s) Sarajevo", Palais des Nations, 19 Janvier 1998.
3. Statement at the opening of the conference "Transition to a market economy: modern problems in the financial and banking fields," Geneva, 4 26 January 1998, (Russian).
Выступление на открытии конференции "Переход к рыночной экономике: современные проблемы в финансовой и банковской сферах", Женева, 28 января 1998 года.
4. Address at the opening of the Exhibition by Mikhail Romadin "Museums of the World", Palais des Nations, 5 February 1998.
5. Statement at the Agrigento Winter Conference of the Lions Club International "The UN: New approaches to development", Agrigento, 6 February 1998 (English and Russian).
"ООН - новые подходы к вопросам развития" - Выступление на Агриджентской зимней конференции Международной ассоциации клубов Льва, Агридженто, 6 февраля 1998 года.
6. The Secretary-General's Statement to the opening session of the Governing Council of the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome, 11 February 1998.
7. Statement at the International Conference on Modern Diplomacy "Diplomacy as an Instrument of Good Governance", Malta, 13 February 1998.
8. Speech at the Dinner of Friday, 20 February 1998.
9. Address at the opening of the Exhibition "Peace Poster Contest" organized by the Multi-District 102 (Switzerland-Liechtenstein) of the Lions clubs, Palais des Nations, 27 February, 1998.
10. The Message to the International Conference "Six years of the Commonwealth Problems and Perspectives", Minsk, 2-4 March 1998 (Russian).
Послание международной конференции "Шесть лет содружества Независимых государств: проблемы и перспективы", 2-4 марта 1998 года, Минск.
11. Welcome address at the meeting and concert on the Occasion of the 80th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Lithuania, 2 March 1998. 10. Palais des Nations, 27 February 1998.
12. "Good Global Governance and the UN" Contribution to a UNESCO publication, sent for publication in December 1998, 3 March 1998.
13. Opening Address on the occasion of the opening of the Photo Exhibition "Viva Aurelianus" by Teuvo Lehti, Palais des Nations, 9 March 1998.
14. Statement at the commemoration of International Women's Day, Palais des Nations, 10 March 1998.
15. Statement on the occasion of the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the UNOG and the Geneva Center for Security Policy, 12 March 1998.
16. Address at the opening of the Women's Guild Art and Crafts Exhibition, Palais des Nations, 17 March 1998.
17. Address on the occasion of the inauguration of "David Morse Avenue", Palais des Nations, 18 March 1998.
18. Address on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Palais des Nations, 20 March 1998.
19. Statement at the second World Telecommunication Development Conference 1998, Valletta, Malta.
20. Address at the opening of the Eduardo Kingman Exhibition, Palais des Nations, 30 March 1998.
21. Address on the occasion of the donation of two Costa Rican, Pre-Colombian Statues, Palais des Nations, 30 March 1998.
22. The Address on the Occasion of the exhibition sponsored by the Geneva Public Library in cooperation with the Library of the George Pompidou Center for Art and Culture and the Center For Research and Information towards the Application of International Law "International Law 90", "The Decade of International Law 1990-2000", Palais des Nations, Thursday, 23 April 1999.
23. Address at the opening of the 51st World Health Assembly, 11 May 1998.
24. Statement at the International Law Seminar, Palais des Nations, 13 May 1998.
25. Interview for the Belorussian newspaper "Zviazda", by L. Lokhmanenko (Russian).
Ответы на вопросы корреспондента белорусской газеты "Звязда" Л. Лохманенко.
26. Statement on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition on "International destinies", Palais des Nations, 14 May 1998.
27. The Secretary-General Message on the occasion of the Inauguration of the new headquarters of the World Food Program, delivered by Mr. V. Petrovsky, Rome, 22 May 1998.
28. "The evolving role of the UN as an Instrument of Global Governance" - address to career diplomats from the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Palais des Nations, 27 May 1998.
29. Opening statement at the UNDP organized Inter-Agency Working Group Meeting, Palais des Nations, 2 June 1998.
30. Message to the Economic Forum of St.-Petersburg, 17-20 June 1998 (Russian).
Послание Экономическому Форуму, Санкт-Петербург, 17-20 июня 1998 года.
31. "Peace operations as an integrated part of the UN strategy for a more secure twenty-first century" - Statement for contribution to the encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, June 1999.
32. Opening statement before the UN/OIC General Meeting, 13 July 1998.
33. "The evolving role of the UN as an Instrument and Catalyst of Global Governance" - address to graduates of the Olaf Palme Foundation Summer Course, Badalona, Spain, 16 July 1998.
34. Statement at the Plenary Meeting of the Joint Appeals Board, 20 July 1998.
35. "Humanitarian Threshold: The Imperative of the Present and the Future" - Statement presented to the 36th Geneva Graduate Study Program, 22 July 1998.
36. Questions for the interview with Vladimir Petrovsky (Ukrainian TV), 23 July 1998 (Russian).
Вопросы Украинского ТВ для интервью с Владимиром Петровским, директор Студии ETALON-STUDIO Геннадий Кравец.
37. Welcoming address on the International Day of the World's Indigenous People, Palais des Nations, 31 July 1998.
38. Swiss National Day Statement, Geneva, 1 August 1998.
39. "Transition to the sustainable development of the CIS countries and international experience", an article for the newspaper "Nezhavisimaya gazeta", Geneva, 5 August 1998.
"Переход к устойчивому развитию на пространстве СНГ и международный опыт", материал, подготовленный для "Независимой газеты", Женева, 5 августа 1998 года.
40. Address on the Occasion of the donation of a Bronze Bust of Ralph Bunche, Palais des Nations, 6 August 1998.
41. "Humanitarian Threshold: The Imperative of the Promotion of Peace and Development" - Statement presented to the Information Program for the New York University School of Continuing Education, 10 August 1998.
42. Statement at the opening of the "Live Visions" Artists For Peace Exhibition, Palais des Nations, 10 August 1998.
43. Statement at the Opening Ceremony of the Tolerance Exhibition, Plaine de Plainpalais, Geneva, 13 August 1998.
44. Remarks: "Homecoming: Ethiopian Jews in Israel", Palais des Nations, 17 August 1998.
45. "The Importance of Geneva to the United Nations" - Address at the Seminar on the United Nations for Swiss Parliamentarians, Palais des Nations, 20 August 1998 (English and Russian).
"Женева в системе Организации объединенных Наций" - Выступление для организованном для швейцарских парламентариев семинаре п вопросам деятельности Организации Объединенных Наций, Женева, Дворец Наций, 20 августа 1998 года.