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VOLUME 7 / 1997

Our esteemed reader, we are grateful that you are interested in Vladimir Petrovsky's archive. We would love to hear your feedback on the materials presented here. If you are going to use materials from the Petrovsky archive, we appreciate if you write a line on where you used or cited documents.
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1. Discours de M. Y. Berthelot au nom de M. V. Petrovsky a l'occasion de la representation de la troupe de theatre les "Mummenschanz", Palais des Nations, le 2 Mai 1997.

2. Intervention de M. Y. Berthelot a I'ouverture de la cinquantieme Assemblee mondiale de la Sante, le 5 Mai 1997.

3. The role of the United Nations and its location in Switzerland, 15.05.97.

4. "En temoignage de votre visite a l'Office des Nations Unies a Geneve", Palais des Nations, 18 mai 1997.

5. Message on the opening of the XXVI United Nations Inter-Agency Games (Caorle, Italy, May 22-26,1997).

6. Address by Mr. V. Petrovsky at the concert of the "Cercle International des Amis de la Musique", Palais des Nations, 27 May 1997.

7. Address on the occasion of the release of volume XVI of the Swiss Diplomatic Documents, covering the period 1945 to 1947 (28 May 1997).

8. Introductory statement at the Special session of the Administrative Council of the European Broadcasting Union (Geneva, 30 May 1997).

9. Визит Министра иностранных дел России Евгения Примакова в Женеву, Женева, 4 июня 1997 года, Корреспондент ИТАР-ТАСС К. Прибытков.

10. Statement at the presentation of the 1997 Human Development Report, Palais des Nations, 9 June 1997.

Заявление при представлении Доклада о развитии человеческого потенциала за 1997 год, Дворец Наций, 9 июня 1997 года.

11. Welcome address on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition "Russian Collection in the Palais des Nations", 9 June 1997.

12. Geoeconomics and Diplomacy, Message by Mr. V. Petrovsky at the European University Graduation Ceremony, 11 June 1997.

13А. Послание Генерального Секретаря Сантк-Петербургскому Экономическому Форуму, 17-22 июня 1997 года.

13. Выступление н-на Петровского на Санкт-Петербургском Экономическом Форуме, 120 июня 1997 года.

14. Address at the Exhibition of the Swiss painter NIKUNJA Ebner, Palais des Nations, Salle des pas perdus, 23 June - 4 July 1997.

15. Address by Mr. V. Petrovsky at the opening of a concert dedicated to the 52nd anniversary of the signature of the Charter of the United Nations, Victoria Hall, Geneva, Switzerland, 25 JUNE 1997.

16. Address at the inauguration of the "Art Exhibition for International Peace" Palais des Nations, 26 June 1997.

17. Opening statement before the UN-LAS GENERAL MEETING ON COOPERATION Wednesday, 2 July 1997.

18. Address by Mr. Vladimir Petrovsky at the opening of an exhibition of contemporary Slovakian sculptures, Palais des Nations, Geneva, 7 July 1997.

19. "The United Nations: A Global Centre for Concerted Action to Promote Peace, Stability and Well-Being" - Address on the opening of the 35th Graduate Study Seminar, Palais des Nations, 7 July 1997.

20. Welcoming Address to the Working Group on Indigenous Populations, 15th Session, Palais des Nations, 28 July 1997.

21. "Геоэкономика и дипломатия", 31 июля 1997.

22. Message to the Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms/Supermarathon for Peace, I and 2 August 1997.

Document not available

23. "The United Nations: An Indispensable Global Instrument to Promote Peace, Stability and Well-Being" -Address to the New York School of Continuing Education Students, Palais des Nations, Geneva, 4 August 1997.

24. Statement of the Secretary-General to the International NGO Meeting/ European NGO Symposium on the question of Palestine, delivered by Mr. Vladimir Petrovsky, Geneva, 25-28 August 1997.

25. Address at the opening of the exhibition "Les Alpes sur la Soie" of Myrna Bolay , Palais des Nations, Geneva, 1 September 1997.

26. Message of the Secretary-General to the 98th Inter-Parliamentary Conference, Cairo, 11-15 September 1997.

In English, in French.

27. Statement at the 43rd Europa Forum of the Lions Clubs International, Zurich, 13 September 1997.

28. Выступление Генерального директора, Ташкент, 14-16 сентября 1997 года (Tashkent, 14.09.1997).

29. Statement on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the World Federalist Movement and its Special Joint Conference with the Union of European Federalists, Montreux, 19 September 1997.

30. Выступление нa официальной церемонии по случаю 50-летия Международной организации стандартизации, Женева, 22 сентября 1997 года.

31. Message and Address on the occasion of the Second Microcredit Summit, Briefing, Palais des Nations, Geneva, 22 September 1997.

32. "Negotiating Fora on Disarmament: Coordination as a Top Priority" - Statement for Presentation at an International Conference on Human Security and Global Governance: Non-Nuclear Prerequisites for Nuclear Disarmament, sponsored by Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Taplow Court, Maidenhead Berkshire, UK, 26-28 September 1997.

33. "Multilateral Fora as an Institutional Link Between Nuclear and Non-Nuclear Disarmament" - Statement of Mr. Vladimir Petrovsky at the International Conference "Human Security and Global Governance : Non-nuclear Prerequisites for Nuclear Disarmament", London, 27 September 1997.

34. Address on the occasion of the United Nations International Day of Older Persons Geneva International Convention Center, 3 October 1997.

35. Remarks at the opening of the Workshop on Wound Ballistics, Thun, 36. Switzerland, 7-8 October 1997.

36. Assisi International Center for Peace, 30 October 1997.

37. THE SECRETARY-GENERAL'S MESSAGE TO THE CONFERENCE ON "THE PUBLIC SERVICE IN TRANSITION", delivered by Mr. Vladimir Petrovsky, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva) Thessaloniki Greece, 17-20 November 1997.

2 documents: Original and with the written remarks by Mr. Vladimir Petrovsky.

38. Welcoming remarks for "Cooperation between the UN System and the Caucasus Countries", 21 November 1997.

39. Address on the occasion of the 1997 UNOG Staff Day, Palais des Nations, 21 November 1997.

40. Message on the occasion of the 1997 UNOG Staff Day, Palais des Nations, 22 November 1997.

41. Address at the inauguration of an exhibition "Colombia: World heritage sites", Palais des Nations, 1 December 1997.

42. Address at the opening of a sculpture exhibition by Ernst Neizvestny, Palais des Nations, 3 December 1997 (English and Russian).

43. "Reneved Geneva Headquarters within the United Nations System" - Address at the Orientation Seminar for the Newly Accredited Members of the Permanent Missions to the United Nations Office at Geneva. Palais des Nations, 8 December 1997.

44. Draft statement on the occasion of Human Rights Day, 10 December 1997.

45. "Peace operations as an integrated part of the UN strategy for a more secure twenty-first century" - Address at the Twelfth International Training Course in Security Policy, Geneva Center of Security Policy, 11 December 1997.

In English and Russian.


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