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VOLUME 6 / 1996 - 1997

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1. "The United Nations: An Indispensable Global Instrument to Promote Peace, Development and Democracy" - Welcoming speech before "the Know How Fund Diplomats Course 1996" of the Centre for Political and Diplomatic Studies (June 6, 1996).

2. "United Nations and the Business Community: Vital Partners" - Lecture (June 13, 1996).

3. "Celebrating Our Common Artistic Heritage and Shared Aspirations for Humankind: Promoting Tolerance" - Welcoming statement on the occasion of the ceremony unveiling a Roman Mosaic (June 13, 1996).

4. Statement to the Plenary meeting of the Geneva Joint Appeals Board (June 14, 1996).

5. "We are All Shareholders in Peace" - Graduation speech on the occasion of Graduating Day Ceremonies 1996 of the European University (June 15, 1996).

6. Address at the opening of the UNRISD Board Meeting (June 24, 1996).

7. "UN: Why it Matters and Why Lyon" - Address at the preview of the UN Exhibition, (Lyon, June 24, 1996).

8. Statement at the Event to Mark the International Year for Eradication of Poverty (June 25, 1996).

9. Opening statement before the UN/OIC General meeting (June 26, 1996).

10. "The United Nations: An Indispensable Global Instrument to Promote Peace, Development and Democracy" - Welcoming speech before the 34th Geneva Graduate Study Programme (July 1, 1996).

11. "Through new multilateralism towards tangible results in arms regulation and disarmament" - Welcoming comments at the Meeting at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (July 2, 1996).

12. The Statement at the Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of countries of South Eastern Europe (Sofia, July 6-7, 1996).

13. "The United Nations: An Instrument of Multilateral Agreement for the Promotion of Peace, Development and Democracy" - Welcoming speech before the Group of Students from New York University (August 5, 1996).

14. Statement of Mr. Jose Ayala-Lasso for the inauguration of a Ukrainian sculpture on the occasion of the Fifth Anniversary of Ukraine's Independence (August 7, 1996).

15. Keynote address by Mr. Jose Ayala-Lasso at the Opening Ceremony devoted to the theme "Reconciliation - A Peace-building Imperative (August 10, 1996).

16. "The United Nations and Preventive Diplomacy: New Dimensions" - Speech before the Japan-Europe Workshop (Geneva) (August 24, 1996).

17. Statement at the 50th Anniversary World Congress of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (Luxembourg, August 26, 1996).

18. Opening session of the UN International NGO Meeting/European NGO Symposium on the question of Palestine - Message by B. Boutros-Ghali presented by Mr. V. Petrovsky (September 2-4, 1996).

19. Welcoming statement at the Opening of the Exhibition of Nicaraguan Painting by the Artist Rosario Ortiz de Chamorro (September 2, 1996).

20. Welcoming statement at the Opening of the Exhibition on the Works of the Greek Artist Dr. Wassili Lepanto-Loukopoulos in commemoration of World Peace Day 1996 (September 30, 1996).

21. Address at the Ceremony to mark the International Day of older persons (October 1, 1996).

22. B. Boutros-Ghali's Message to the Nansen Medal Award Ceremony (Geneva, October 4, 1996).

23. "Arthur Rubinstein: Musician, Philanthropist and Humanitarian" - Welcoming speech at the Music Festival Dedicated to Arthur Rubinstein (Victoria Hall, October 4, 1996).

24. "Preparing for a Peaceful and More Secure New Century" - Lecture at the Comenius University on the occasion of Mr. Petrovsky's official Visit to Slovakia (Bratislava, October 7, 1996).

"Закладывая фундамент мирного и более безопасного столетия" - лекция в Институте им. Коменского по случаю официального визита г-на В. Петровского в Словакию, Братислава, 7 октября 1996 года.

25. Address at the UN Watch Meeting (Geneva, Hilton Hotel, October 14, 1996).

26. Welcome Address on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition of Igor Tiulpanov (October 14, 1996).

27. Message du Secretaire General de l'Organisation des Nations Unies a l'occasion du Symposium sur l'Afrique et Ies technologies de l'information (Geneve, le 17 Octobre 1996).

28. Discours introductif de Monsieur Yves Berthelot au nom de Monsieur Petrovsky a l'occasion de la Conference sur Ies sanctions internationales organisee par le Crans-Montana Forum, Institute for Global Leadership (Geneve, 7 novembre 1996).

29. Address at the presentation ceremony of the sculpture "The Unknown Political Prisoner" marking the 50th Anniversary of Iceland's accession to the United Nations (November 19, 1996).

30. Statement of the SG to the General Assembly on the occasion of Africa Industrialization Day (NY, Novermber 20, 1996).

31. "New Dimensions of Security: "Hard" and "Soft" Aspects" - Address at the lXth Amaldi Conference on Security questions at the end of the Twentieth Century (November 21, 1996).

"Новые аспекты безопасности: "жёсткие" и "мягкие" аспекты". Выступление на IX Амальдийской конференции по вопросам безопасности в конце XX века", 21 ноября 1996 года.

32. Message of the SG to the Fourth review conference of the States Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention (November 25, 1996).

33. Welcome Address at the Orientation Seminar for the Newly Accredited members of Permanent Missions to the UN "United Nations' Headquarters in Geneva: Infrastructure and Dynamics (November 26, 1996).

34. Welcome Address at the presentation ceremony of a Zsolnay vase to the UN marking the 40th anniversary of the revolution of Hungary (November 28, 1996).

35. Message of the SG delivered by Mr. V. Petrovsky to the Summit Meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (Lisbon, December 2, 1996).

36. Address at the Third Assembly of the Students' League of Nations (Geneva, December 9, 1996).

37. Address on the occasion of Human Rights Day (December 10, 1996).

37a. Statement at the Eighth Swiss-CIS Conference "New European Architecture: Change of Wording or of Concept?"

38. "The United Nations Entering into the Twenty-First Century" - Address at the Annual International Seminar of the European University (Antwerp, January 9, 1997).

39. Welcoming statement at the opening of the exhibition "Homage to Paulucci" (January20, 1997).

40. Statement at the First Plenary meeting of the 1997 session of the Conference on Disarmament (January 21, 1997).

41. Transition to the market economy: Actual problems in financial and banking sectors" - Welcoming speech before the Sixth International Conference, Hotel Intercontinental, Geneva, Switzerland, January 27, 1997.

Выступление В. Петровского на Международной конференции "Переход к рыночной экономике: актуальные проблемы в финансовом и банковском секторах", отель "Intercontinental", Женева, Швейцария, 27 января 1997 года.

42. "New Post-Disarmament Agreement Reality" - Address (Davos, February 1, 1996).

43. Address at the opening of the Exhibition of contemporary Romanian art (February 10, 1996).

44. Address at the presentation by the Brasilian Government of the painting "Image" by Cybele Varela (February 11, 1997).

45. Statement on Anti-Personnel Landmines (APLs) (Vienna, February 12, 1997).

46. "Chemical Weapons Convention: the Last Effort" - Address at the International Seminar and Workshop: "The Chemical Convention as a Key Part of Global Security Policy" (Bern, February 17, 1997).

47. Address at the opening of the Exhibition dedicated to the artwork of Gianluca Murasecchi (February 24, 1997).

48. "Nuclear Disarmament within the United Nations: Historical Retrospective - Statement (Geneva, March 5, 1997).

49. Opening statement at the commemoration of International Women's Day (March 7, 1997).

50. Opening statement at the Launching of the Integrated Management

Information System (IMIS) (March 17, 1997).

51. Address at the opening of the Women's Guild Art and Crafts Exhibition (March 18, 1997).

52. Talking points for the General Assembly of the Association for the security and independence of international civil servants (March 18, 1997).

53. Message of the Secretary General on the occasion of International Day for the elimination of racial discrimination "A Twenty-First Century Free of Racism" (March 21, 1997).

54. Address on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (March 21, 1997).

55. Address at the opening of the concert given by the Suzuki Orchestra of Turin (Palais des Nation, 7 April 1997).

56. "Женевские диалоги: Коридор между прошлым и будущим, или Кто контролирует окно в Европу", "Российская Газета", 8 апреля 1997 года.

Беседа корреспондента Анатолия Юрковского с Владимиром Петровским.

57. "Сила силу ломит, или чего ищет НАТО у российских границ", "Российская Газета", 9 апреля 1997 года.

58. "У России один путь - свой. Но не в одиночку", "Российская Газета", 10 апреля l997 года.

59. Address at the opening of the Exhibition on Korean Contemporary Art (Geneva, 21 April 1997)

60. Discours de M. Y. Berthelot au nom de M. V. Petrovsky a l'occasion de l'inauguration de l'exposition de photographies "Les villes abandonnees", Palais des Nation, le 24 AvnI 1997


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