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VOLUME 12 / 2000 - 2001

Our esteemed reader, we are grateful that you are interested in Vladimir Petrovsky's archive. We would love to hear your feedback on the materials presented here. If you are going to use materials from the Petrovsky archive, we appreciate if you write a line on where you used or cited documents.
Documents (speeches) may be downloaded, but if used for publication(s) or for purposes of your own research, the origin of the citation and the credit have to be mentioned. The credit should read: “United Nations Archives at Geneva”.



1. Statement at the Monaco World Summit and World Infrastructure and Privatization Forum, Monte Carlo, 23 November 2000.

2. Statement on the Occasion of the Exhibition of Paintings by Albanian artists, Palais des Nations, 27 November 2000.

3. Statement at the Private discussion meeting on "Breaking the CD deadlock", Geneva, 30 November 2000.

4. Statement on the Occasion of the "Museum for a World City" exhibition, Palais des Nations, 4 December 2000.

5. Message at Geneva Fete de L'Escalade, the Geneva Welcome Center,5 December 2000.

6. Statement at the Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies Alumni Event, Geneva, 6 December 2000.

7. Statement at the Meeting, dedicated to the current situation at the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva, 10 December 2000 (in Russian).

"Конференция по разоружению - в ожидании политических решений" - Выступление на дискуссионном совещании, посвященном положению дел на Конференции по разоружению, Женева , 10 декабря 2000 года.

8. Statement at the Panel of Heads of Agencies on the Human Rights Education, Geneva, 11 December 2000.

9. Statement at the Second Annual Conference of the States Parties to the Amended Protocol II to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects, Geneva, 1 1- 13 December 2000.

10. Challenging Agenda: The Role of Geneva in the Years to Come, UN Chronicles, December 2000.

11. Statement on the Occasion of the opening of Le Paradis Retrouvé, an exhibition of work by Jeong-Ae Ju, Palais des Nations, 9 January 2001.

12. Remarks to 862nd Plenary meeting on organizational aspects of the 2001 session, 23 January 2001.

13. Message by the Secretary-General to the Opening of the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva, 23 January 2001 (delivered by Mr.V.Petrovsky).

14. Statement at the Opening meeting of the Conference on "Forming Market Economy: Current Challenges in Economic and Financial Spheres", Geneva 29 January 2001.

Выступление на открытии конференции "Переход к рыночной экономике: актуальные проблемы в экономической и банковской сферах", Женева, 29 января 2001 года.

15. Statement on the Occasion of the Inauguration of the exhibition Courbet Le Regard des Autres, Palais des Nations, 29 January 2001.

16. Welcoming remarks to students of the International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance, 9 February 2001.

17. "Aland Island in national Perspective", 14 February 2001.

Document with handwritten remarks.

18. "Globalization, Democracy and Human Rights" - Statement in Marienham, 14 February 2001.

19. Statement at the Plenary meeting of the Joint Appeals Board, 20 February 2001.

20. Statement on the Occasion of the inauguration of the exhibition "The Road to Samarkand", Palais des Nations, 20 February 2001.

21. Statement on the Occasion of the Inauguration of the exhibition "Regards Croises" by Jean Bosserdet and Momar Seck, Palais des Nations, 21 February 2001.

22. Statement on the Occasion of the inauguration of the UNESCO exhibition "From Abu Simbel to Angor", Palais des Nations, 26 February 2001.

23. Welcoming remarks for the Inter-Agency Discussion on the Secretary-General's Report to the Security Council on the Prevention of Armed Conflict, 27 February 2001.

24. Partnership of the United Nations with business as a new actor on a global stage, 9 March 2001, in Russian.

"Партнерство ООН с бизнесом как новым действующим лицом на глобальной сцене", 9 марта 2001 года.

25. Statement on the occasion of the inauguration of the exhibition "Portraits of Place" by Jan Aronson, Palais des Nations, 12 March 2001.

26. Remarks at the Start of the Simulation exercise of International Negotiations by the Student's Association of the Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales, 13 March 2001.

27. Address to Raymonde Martineau on her retirement, 13 March 2001.

28. "The Spirit of Locarno: a Cause for Hope for Multi-Lateral Diplomacy", statement on the Occasion of the inauguration of the third Locarno Exhibition, 16 March 2001.

29. Statement on the Occasion of the inauguration of the exhibition Somville: Retrospective 1950-2000, Palais des nations, 19 March 2001.

30. Statement at the Opening of the Art for the World Exhibition, Palais des Nations, 21 March 2001.

30a. Message at the Commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations, Geneva, 23 March 2001.

31. Remarks at the Sri Chinmoy Peace Run, Palais des Nations, 23 March 2001.

32. Opening Remarks at the Inter-Agency information briefing on events leading to the UNGA's Special Session on Children (Global Movement for Children, "Say YES for Children" campaign, Palais des Nations, 4 April 2001.

33. File of materials on the occasion of the International Conference on the Prevention of Militarization of Space "Space without weapons, an arena for global cooperation in the 21 st century", Statement at the Moscow Forum, 1 1 April 2001 (English and Russian) Secretary-General's message to the International Conference, Moscow, 12 April 2001.

34. Message on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the International Association of Peace Foundations, Moscow, 24 April 2001.

Послание В. Ф. Петровского собранию представителей общественности Москвы по случаю 40-летия со дня создания Международной ассоциации фондов мира, 24 апреля 2001 года.

35. Statement at the Opening of an exhibition of Native American Art entitled "Timeless Images", Palais des Nations, 7 May 2001.

36. "Russia and International Organizations", notes for a gathering of the Russian Club at the University of Geneva, 8 May 2001. In Russian.

"Россия и международные организации" - ВЫступление в Русском клубе при Женевском университете, 8 мая 2001 года.

37. Statement at the 6th session of the Conference of the States parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention, The Hague, 14 May 2001.


38 . Address at the Opening of the 54th World Health Assembly, 14 May 2001.

39. Statement at the Opening of annual Arts and Crafts Exhibition, organized by the United Nations Women's Guild, 28 May 2001.

40. Statement at the member States' Flag Ceremony, Palais des Nations, 30 May 2001.

41. The Statement at ACABQ, Speaking Notes on the Proposed program budget for the biennium 2002-2003, 29 May 2001.

42. Remarks at the Opening of an exhibition by Patricia Sperje "La Memoire des Espaces", Palais des Nations, 11 June 2001.

43. "Balance of interests and sense of proportion - major guidelines for behavior of states and human beings", statement at the Graduation

Ceremony, European University, Montreux, 15 June 2001.

43a. Speech by Vladimir Petrovsky, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, Director-General of the UN European Headquarters in Geneva, Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament, at the Forum "Space without weapons - an arena of peaceful cooperation in the 21st century" - Moscow, April 11, 2001. In Russian.

Выступление Владимира Петровского, Заместителя Генерального секретаря ООН, Генерального директора Европейской штаб-квартиры ООН в Женеве, Генерального векретаря конференции по разоружению, на Форуме "Космос без оружия - арена мирного сотрудничества в XXI веке" - Москва, 11 апреля 2001 года.

44. Remarks at the Opening of a conference given by Ahmadou Kourouma, 45. Palais des nations, 21 June 2001.

45. "Prevention of armed conflict - a prerequisite for promoting lasting peace and stability in 21st century", statement at the 39th Geneva Graduate Study Programme, Geneva, 25 June 2001.


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