Our esteemed reader, we are grateful that you are interested in Vladimir Petrovsky's archive. We would love to hear your feedback on the materials presented here. If you are going to use materials from the Petrovsky archive, we appreciate if you write a line on where you used or cited documents.
Documents (speeches) may be downloaded, but if used for publication(s) or for purposes of your own research, the origin of the citation and the credit have to be mentioned. The credit should read: “United Nations Archives at Geneva”.
1. Opening statement to the Round table discussion "Women Waging Peace" to commemorate International Women's Day, Palais des Nations, 8 March 2000.
2. Statement on the Occasion of the opening of the Sculpture Exhibition of the Croatian artist and poet Sanja Falisevac, Palais des Nations, 20 March 2000.
3. Statement on the Occasion of the "World-Press Photo 1999", Palais des Nations, 21 March 2000
4. Statement on the Occasion of the "Sapiens/Sapiens" Exhibition of Igor Sacharow-Ross, Palais des Nations, 21 March 2000.
5. Address to the President of Switzerland Mr. Ogi, 22 March 2000.
6. Address at the Memorial Service of Ambassador Morris Abram, Hotel President Wilson, 27 March 2000.
7. Statement on the Occasion of the Exhibition of Egyptian Tapestries from the Ramses Wissa Wassef Art Center, Palais des Nations, 3 April 2000.
8. Welcoming Address before the Concert of the Moscow Rachmaninov Trio, Palais des Nations, 4 April 2000.
9. Message to the International Conference on International Sanctions and the World Order for the 21 st Century, Moscow, 4 April 2000.
10. Statement on the Occasion of the Awarding of the African Press and Democracy Prize, Institut Universitaire des Etudes du Developpment, Geneva, 7 April 2000.
11. Statement on the Occasion of the Exhibition of paintings by the Iranian Artist Nafisseh Riahi, Palais des Nations, 13 April 2000.
12. Statement at the Inauguration of the New UBS premises at the Palais des Nations, 19 April 2000.
13. "Disarmament and arms regulation in a time of global transformation: The need for a creative response", 20 April 2000.
14. The Article for "Geneva News": "Mass media as a UN Partner: Geneva Perspective", 20 April 2000. In Russian.
"The media as a partner of the United Nations" - статья для газеты ""Geneva News", 20 апреля 2000.
15. "Disarmament and arms regulation in a time of global transformation: The need for a creative response", 20 April 2000.
16. Address to the 103rd Interparliamentary Conference "Partnership Between the Parliamentarians and the UN is of Vital Importance",+ Press Release, Jordan, 30 April 2000.
18. Message "Towards a Well-Managed Network of Cooperation", Amman, Jordan, 6 May 2000.
19. Opening Statement on the occasion of the Human Diversity through Sculpture exhibit by Ute Bauer, Cyberspace of Library of the Palais des Nations, 7 June 2000.
20. Statement to Information System Users Group of the Diplomatic Community, at the headquarters of WIPO, 8 June 2000.
21. Statement at the Japanese Ceremony, Palais des Nations, 14 June 2000.
22. Statement at the Graduation Ceremony, College Leman, 17 June 2000.
In Russian.
"Тезисы к выступлению в Колледже Леман "Баланс интересов и моральные ценности - главные ориентиры при принятии решений на жизненном пути", 17 июня 2000 года.
23. Opening Statement on the Occasion of the Exhibit of Aldo Salvadori, Palais des Nations, 20 June 2000.
24. Statement on the occasion of the Exhibition of the Maecenas Collection of Rembrandt Etchings, Palais Library Museum, 26 June 2000.
25. Statement upon receipt of the book by Juan Somalia "Stolen Childhood", on behalf of the Secretary-General, Victoria Hall, Geneva, 28 June 2000.
26. DIRECTOR-GENERAL PETROVSKY PAYS TRIBUTE TO SWITZERLAND'S WILLIAM RAPPARD , Statement given during an interview with Radio Suisse Romande on 29 June 2000.
27. "The Role of the United Nations in European Security", remarks delivered at the Junior Swiss Diplomats' Course in International and Swiss Security Issues, GCSP, Geneva, 30 June 2000.
28. Statement at the Ceremony marking the 50th Anniversary of the European Broadcast Union, 1 July 2000.
29. Statement at the 38th Geneva Graduate Study Program, "The UN as a Center of Agreed Actions to Meet the Challenges of the New Millennium", Palais des Nations, 3 July 2000.
30. Statement at the Inauguration of the "Visas For Life" exhibit, Palais des Nations, 17 July 2000.
31. Opening Statement on the Occasion of the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, Palais des Nations, 27 July 2000.
32. Statement on the Occasion of the exhibition entitled "La Liberté, une galère de 55 metres", Palais des Nations, 31 July 2000.
33. Statement on the Occasion of the exhibition entitled International Print Portfolio", Palais des Nations, 21 August 2000.
33a. Statement at the Opening of the photo exhibition "Legacy of Chernobyl", Palais des Nations, 21 August 2001.
34. Statement at the "Fete de la Communication"of the Swiss Press Club, Villa Pastorale, 31 August 2000.
35. Preface, August 2000.
36. Opening speech on the Occasion of the "Unity in Duality" exhibition, Palais des Nations, 18 September 2000.
37. Statement at the Swiss Forum for International Affairs "The United Nations and Switzerland", Geneva, 29 September 2000.
38. "Les artistes genevois aux Nations Unies", inaugural statement, Palais des Nations, 2 October 2000.
39. Statement on the Occasion of the Baldini Sculpture Exhibition, Palais des Nations, 3 October 2000.
40. Conference on Disarmament, interview for the Itar-TASS + interview for the RIA "Novosti", 1 November 2000 (in Russian).
"Конференция по разоружению - важный орган многосторонних переговоров" - интервью корреспонденту ИТАР-ТАСС Наталье Шестовой, 1 ноября 2000 года.
"РАзоружение / конференция / ООН" - Интервью корреспонденту РИА "НОВОСТИ", 2 ноября 2000 года.
41. Statement at the International Advisory Council of the UN Intellectual History Project, Geneva, 17 November 2000.
With handwritten notes.
42. Statement on the Occasion of the exhibition "From Versailles to Locarno - from an imposed to a negotiated Peace", Palais des Nations, 20 November 2000.
43. Statement on the Occasion of the unveiling of the sculpture of Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Palais des Nations, 20 November 2000.
44. Statement at the Opening of the Women's Guild Bazaar 2000 and the Textiles of the World Exhibition, Palais des Nations, 21 November 2000.