Our esteemed reader, we are grateful that you are interested in Vladimir Petrovsky's archive. We would love to hear your feedback on the materials presented here. If you are going to use materials from the Petrovsky archive, we appreciate if you write a line on where you used or cited documents.
Documents (speeches) may be downloaded, but if used for publication(s) or for purposes of your own research, the origin of the citation and the credit have to be mentioned. The credit should read: “United Nations Archives at Geneva”.
1. Statement at the 104th Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, 50th Anniversary of the Council of Europe + Statement of the SG, Budapest, 6-7 May 1999.
2. Address at the opening of the 52nd World Health Assembly
+ article, Geneva, 17 May 1999.
3. Address at the ceremony of a donation of a painting by Mikhail Romadin to the United Nations, Palais des Nations, 27 May 1999.
4. Address on the occasion of the 8th Meeting of the Council of the Baltic Sea States, Palanga (Lithuania), 14-15 June 1999.
5. Statement on the occasion of the Opening of the Fourth Session of the Conference of the States Parties of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, + Press Release, The Hague, 28 June 1999.
6. Address on the occasion of the Exhibition of works entitled "Poverty in the World, Poetry and Hope", Longaretti, Palais des Nations, 6 July 1999.
7. Address on the occasion of the launching of the 1999 Human Development Report, Palais des Nations, 9 July 1999.
8. Address at the Centre for Diplomatic and Strategic Studies, Paris, 12 July 1999.
9. Address of the Director-General (English) and Message of the SG (English and Russian) on the occasion of the opening of the UN House in Latvia, Riga, 16 July 1999.
10. Address on the Occasion of the Exhibition: A Glance at Iranian Contemporary Painting, Palais des Nations, 20 July 1999.
11. "The United Nations: A Global Center for Concerted Action to Promote Peace, Stability and Well-Being and to Respond to the Challenges of Globalization" - Address at the 37th Geneva Graduate Study Program, Palais des Nations, 22 July 1999.
12. Address on the Occasion of the International Day of the World's Indigenous People + Press Release, Palais des Nations, 30 July 1999.
13. Article for "Diplomatichesky Vestnik" (Russian), 5 August 1999
"Дипломатия обретает новые возможности", статья для "Дипломатический Вестник", 5 августа 1999.
14. Interview with the Director-General of the UN Office at Geneva for "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", by I. Denisova, 18 August 1999.
"Эксклюзивное интервью с В. Ф. Петровским" для "Российской газеты", корреспондент Ирина Денисова, 18 августа 1999 года.
15. "For the Enhancement of a Mutually Enriching Partnership in Both Qualitative and Quantitative Terms between the United Nations and Switzerland" - Welcoming Address before the Swiss President and a Delegation of Swiss Diplomats, Palais des Nations, 26 August 1999.
16. Statement of the Occasion of the Donation of a Gift from the Permanent Mission of Kuwait, Palais des Nations, 26 August 1999.
17. Statement at the "Fete de la Communication" of the Geneva Press Club, Villa Pastorale, 27 August 1999.
18. "Ensuring Respect for International Humanitarian Law -- at the Core of the UN Effort to promote Peace and Security" - Address for the XXIV Round Table on Current Problems of International Humanitarian Law "50th Anniversary of the Geneva Conventions", San Remo, Italy, 2-4 September, 1999.
18a. Introductory statement at the discussion "Fundamental Human Rights and the Geneva Convention" - Bullet Points for Mr. Petrovsky, Director-General of the UN Office in Geneva, Seminar in San Remo, Italy, September 2, 1999.
19. Statement on the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons and the culmination of the International Year of Older Persons "Towards a Society for all Ages - From Words to Deeds", Palais des Nations, 2 October 1999.
20. Interview to "Tages Anzeiger", 9 September 1999.
21. Statement at the Inauguration of the Exhibition: "The Baltic States in the League of Nations", Palais des Nations, 4 October 1999.
22. Statement "The World on the Threshold of the New Millennium", Faculty of Law and Political Science of the Universite D'Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand (France), 4 October 1999.
23. Message at the Meeting of the Information Systems User Group, Palais des Nations, 5 October 1999.
24. Address at the Celebration of the 125th Anniversary of the Universal Postal Union: "UPU as a shining Example of International Cooperation", 9 October 1999.
25. Statement at the 102nd Conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Berlin + Message,10 October 1999.
26. Intervention regarding: "Cooperation Between the IPU and the UN", Berlin, 11 October 1999.
27. Statement "6 Billion: A time for choices", United Nations Population Fund, Palais des Nations, 12 October 1999.
28. Statement at the Opening of the Exhibition of Works by Robert Di Credico, Palais des Nations, 12 October 1999.
29. Statement on the occasion of the Exhibition by Gilbert Michaud "Horses: Myths and Symbols", Palais des Nations, 14 October 1999.
30. Remarks on the Occasion of the Exhibition of Malaysian artist Joon Tay Kong, 30. Palais des Nations, 15 November 1999.
31. Remarks on the Occasion of a Donation by the Permanent Mission of the Sultanate of Oman Palais des Nations, 17 November 1999.
32. Statement at Monaco World Summit "Pursuing Common Aims Through Appropriate Patterns of Behavior", Monte-Carlo, 18 November 1999.
33. Information session for Non-Governmental Organizations, 22 November 1999.
34. Remarks at a Dinner in honor of Ambassador Gyger, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to International Organizations in Geneva and Permanent Observer to the United Nations Office at Geneva, Geneva, 23 November 1999.
35. Message at Fete de l'Escalade, Geneva Welcome Centre, 7 December 1999.
36. Statement at the Seminar on the Aland Islands: "The Aland Islands: An Inspiration for Contemporary Crisis Management", Palais des Nations, 8 December 1999.
37. Statement for the Exhibition "The Northern Dimensions", Palais des Nations, 8 December 1999.
38. Remarks on the Occasion of Human Rights Day: "The Promotion of Human Rights requires Action, Action and Action again", Palais Wilson, 10 December 1999.
39. Remarks on the Occasion of the Sixth General Assembly of the Students League of Nations, Palais des Nations, 13 December 1999.
40. Wishes to the Staff, Palais des Nations, 17 December 1999.
41. "The Role of the United Nations in European Security" - Remarks at a course for Junior Swiss Diplomats in International and Security Issues, organized by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Palais des Nations, 20 January 2000.
42. Address to the Third Meeting of the Preparatory Committee of the Conference of Presiding Officers of National Parliaments, Geneva, 31 January 2000.
2 documents: Original and with handwritten notes.
43. Приветственное слово перед участниками четырнадцатой конференции "Переход к рыночной экономике: современные проблемы в финансовой и банковской сферах", 31 января 2000 года.
Welcome address to the participants of the fourteenth conference "Transition to a market economy: current problems in the financial and banking sectors", January 31, 2000. In Russian.
44. Opening address to the "International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance Course, Palais des Nations, 3 February 2000.
45. Statement for the 11th International Military Chiefs of Chaplins Conference, Palais des Nations, 8 February 2000.
46. Statement on the Occasion of the Exhibition: "Somalia: The Economy - Guaranty of Peace", Palais des Nations, 14 February 2000.
47. Statement on the Occasion of the Exposition of Photographs of Kathmandu "Unveiling Royal Nepal", Palais des Nations, 21 February 2000.
48. Statement to High-Level Tripartite Informal Meeting of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the OSCE, Palais des Nations, 25 February 2000.
49. Statement on the Occasion of the visit by the Members of the Foreign Policy Commission of the Swiss Foreign Ministry, Palais des Nations, 28 February 2000.